Dear NL Members of Parliament
We have noted with great concern a call for your support of the Bay du Nord oil and gas project in a recent media release by the St. John’s East MP. We agree fully as is stated, that we “must meet our net zero goals” and cap emissions. Our governments (federal and provincial) have rightly committed to do so. However, in our current climate crisis with fossil fuels being the largest contributor to green house gases and global warming, we strongly oppose any further development of Newfoundland & Labrador’s offshore oil fields. The touted “clean oil” at Bay du Nord burns just as lethally for the planet’s survival and will make meeting Canada’s reduced emissions promises impossible. Last year, climate scientists issued a “code red” warning for humanity to tackle the climate crisis by ending fossil fuel extraction and cutting fossil fuel emissions globally, among other approaches. Months later, the International Energy Agency released a report warning that fossil fuel infrastructure should be considered unwise investment and painted a picture of a global energy future that veers sharply away from fossil fuel extraction and expansion. Now is the time to invest aggressively and equitably in jobs that can make our communities more sustainable and resilient in the face of major changes coming our way: renewable energies, energy efficiency, public infrastructure, and our communities’ health and wellness. Fossil fuel infrastructure is neither the resilient nor sustainable type of investment we need. NL requires direct government investment to drive the province’s shift to net zero, not subsidies to Equinor. In communities across Newfoundland and Labrador and right across the country, citizens are urging the government to wind down the fossil fuel industry and end fossil fuel subsidies. Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have signed the national parliamentary petition calling on the Prime Minister and Government of Canada to enact Just Transition legislation as promised in 2019. We have attempted to meet with several of you to solicit support to table our petitions in Parliament. To date none of you have responded but we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss. We urge you to reject Equinor’s application for the Bay du Nord project. We ask you to show leadership for a planned just transition to a decarbonized economy. Respectfully, Yvonne Earle Council of Canadian, Avalon Chapter
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